Delphine Richer
À propos de la vidéo-poème CORONA-FEELING
Delphine Richer
Un an et demi ? Deux ans ? Il y a trop longtemps.
Sommes-nous à la fin ? Mais comment ?
Quand était-il, le commencement ?
Tant de temps
Perdus, entre nos quatre murs.
Noyés dans un verre d’eau
Où nous portions d’abord hauts
Les cœurs,
Puis les haut-le-cœur
Et l’écœurement.
Dans nos quelques mètres carrés,
Où rien ne tourne plus rond. Si ce n’est nous qui tournons
En rond. Comme des lions en cage
Des lions en rage
En nage
Le monde emballé est statique
Au grand galop domestique.
Une société écran
Une société à cran,
Accro à son propre bruissement
Vidéos à gogo sur les réseaux sociaux
Il faut vite remplir le vide
Ce vide commun
Ce co-vide
Tout se mélange
Se mèle
-En boucle-
A year and a half? Two years? Too long ago.
Are we at the end? But how?
When was the beginning?
So much time
Lost, between our four walls.
Drowned in a glass of water
Where we first were stout-hearted*1,
Then sick*1
And disgusted*1.
In our few square meters,
Where nothing is not running smoothly anymore.
Except us who are running round
And round in circle. Like lions in a cage
Lions in rage
In sweat
The bolted world is static
In a full domestic gallop.
A dummy society*2
A society on edge,
Addicted to his own rustle
Videos galore on social networks
We must quickly fill the void
This common void*3
This co-void*3
Everything mixes up
-On a loop-
*1 In French these 3 notions (“stout-hearted”, “sick” and “disgusted”) are all expressed with expressions based on the word “heart”.
*2 Dummy society: in French, “society” and “company” can be expressed by the same word “société”. This explains the play on words “dummy society”. The second double meaning is about “dummy”. In french “dummy company” is called “screen company” (société écran). So in french, this expression is a combination of the two meanings “dummy company” and “society of the screens”.
*3 In french, “void” (emptiness) is named “vide” and sounds exactly as the “vid” of “covid” (corona virus). The verse “Ce co-vide” is a play on words mixing the notion of co-vide (common emptiness, common void) and the covid (coronavirus).